Pilar Rosado is an associate professor in the Serra Húnter excellence program at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. She holds degrees in Fine Arts and Biological Sciences and earned a "cum laude" PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona (2015) with an International Doctorate mention for her thesis titled "Latent Forms: protocols of artificial vision for the detection of analogies applied to artistic cataloging and creation," funded by a predoctoral scholarship from AGAUR (Agency for Management of University and Research Grants). For 10 years, she developed her professional career as a software application designer in the private sector. Her artistic, scientific, and technical training gives her curriculum an interdisciplinary perspective that facilitates the use of computer engineering methods and models in creative processes and fosters the conception of innovative proposals that have been published in prestigious indexed journals and presented at national and international conferences.

The research developed in her artistic projects is of great interest in the field of post-photography and in the revision of its epistemological frameworks, exploring the artist's capacity for co-creation with intelligent technologies, the power of art in knowledge transfer, and the validation of artistic research within the context of traditional research.

She has held exhibitions of great impact both nationally and internationally (Déjà-vu, Prosopagnosia, Frenographies, Beautiful Agony, La Petite Mort, Mnemosyne 2.0, etc.).

Her multidisciplinary training has been key to evaluating the results obtained in her creative projects and to conceiving possibilities and applications oriented towards the artistic world that are innovative and offer new formal and conceptual imaginaries with which to rethink contemporary identity. Specifically, through deep learning processes mediated by GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) algorithms that determine patterns in large collections of images and are capable of predicting and creating new works in the plastic continuity of existing ones; on the one hand, images have been created that challenge the notions of artist and creativity; on the other hand, it has been emphasized that in this generative process, the most interesting aspects are the system's own errors: failed attempts, intermediate proofs, and technological unconscious that emerges through accidents. In 2020, she received the ARCO-BEEP Prize for electronic art.

               PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona in 2015 (funded by the Generalitat of Catalonia). Graduated cum laude with an International Mention for the thesis titled: Latent Patterns: Protocols of Artificial Vision for the Detection of Analogies Applied to Artistic Cataloging and Creation.

               Master's degree in Artistic Creation from the University of Barcelona.  

               Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona.  

               Computer Programmer and Analyst from 1990 to 2000.  

               Bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona.


               OSIC 2023 Grant from the Department of Culture, Generalitat of Catalonia.
               Finalist for the Joan Oró 2023 Grants, organized by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation.

               Selected among the best Photography Books of 2020 with “Prosopagnosia” by PhotoEspaña.
               ARCO-BEEP Electronic Art Award at ARCOmadrid.
               Principal Investigator of the Project “Poetics of Artificial Creativity”.

               Finalist for the International Prize for Cultural Innovation, organized by CCCB (Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona), as part of the proposal “Post-digital Strategies for the Anthropocene Data for Understanding, Data for Intervention”, serving as the director of the workshop “Artificial Vision: Visual Patterns in Relation to Climate Change”.

               Collaboration agreement with the Antoni Tàpies Foundation of Barcelona to study the entire digitized collection of the artist's works —painting, graphic work, and artist books—using artificial vision techniques.

               Pre-doctoral scholarship from the Research Grants Agency of the Generalitat of Catalonia (AGAUR) (2012-2015).

               CIRIT Awards to foster the scientific spirit of youth

               Prosopagnosia. HiperObjetos - Casa Europa, Círculo Bellas Artes, Madrid. (in progress)
               Revolutionary Arkive. Fotoseptiembre – Centro de la imagen, Ciutat de Mèxic (Mèxic) (in progress)
               Beautiful Agony. Biennal des imaginaires numériques - Marseille (França) (en progress).
               Beautiful Agony. Canal Connect. The new Freak show – Teatros del Canal, Madrid.
               Beautiful Agony. Thessaloniki PhotoBiennale - MOMus - Thessaloniki Museum of Photography (Grècia).
               Déjà-Vu (Prado). “Cervells”. Centro de Historias de Zaragoza. Zaragoza.

               Miratges. Fundació Lluís Coromina. Festival Panoràmic 2023 (Barcelona).
               La muntanya latent. Festival L’Andart 23. 5ª Biennal Internacional. (Andorra).
               Déjà-Vu (Prado). “Cervells”. Museu San Telmo de Donostia.
               Invernadero compartido. Real jardí Botànic. Madrid.

               Déjà-Vu (Prado). “Cervells”. Fundació Telefónica de Madrid.
               Déjà-Vu (Prado). “Cervells”. Centre Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB).
               Beautiful Agony. KIKK Festival. Namur (Bèlgica).
               Déjà-Vu (Prado). Grenze Arsenali Fotografici. Verona (Itàlia).
               Beautiful Agony y Déjà-vu. Rencontres d'Arles (França).
               Prosopagnosia. “Orígenes”.ISEA2022-Posibles. Barcelona.

               La Petite Mort. NOVA Festival. Bucarest (Romania).
               Déjà-Vu. Planches Contact. Deauville (França).
               Beautiful Agony. “Panorama 23”. Le Fresnoy. Tourcoing (França).
               La Petite Mort. “New Ego”. Etopia. Zaragoza.
               Resurreccions. “Herbart”. Museo Botánico de Barcelona. Barcelona.

               Prosopagnosia. ARCOMadrid.

               La forma de la libertad. Homenaje a Guinovart. Espacio Guinovart, Agramunt (Lleida). (INDIVIDUAL).
               Mnemosyne 2.0: Cartografies computacionals de la memòria visual. Sala 0 de Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers (Barcelona). (INDIVIDUAL).

                Revolutionary ArKive. Festival Panoràmic, Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers (Barcelona). (INDIVIDUAL).
                Visual vocabulary. “Mimesis y metáfora”. Homenaje a Pius Font i Quer. Serveis territorials de Lleida. Lleida.

                Visual Vocabulary. Espacioenter. Tenerife.
                No-Name. Arte Fiera, Palazzo Saraceni, Bolonya (Itàlia).


                Diàlegs Insòlits. Sala 0 de Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers (Barcelona). Artists: Anna Ridler, David González, Javier Guerrero and Mar Reverter. From April 27 to May 27.

2019-20 Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers (Spain).

2019 Arxiu Comarcal del Urgell, Tàrrega (Spain).

2017-19 Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers (Spain).

2014 Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, West Pomeranian University of Technology    Szczecin (Poland).


Fireside chat – Alrededor de la fogata by Pilar Rosado, Claudix Vanexis, Bárbara London, Only Slime, Neko3, Nina Cegledy, Rolando Carmona, D.A. Restrepo-Quevedo, Moderator Asher Remy-Toledo. 
Event: Festival I)nternacional de la Imagen Manizales-Bogotá. Bogotá, 11/05/2024.
Organizing Institution: UTadeo. Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano.

Tensiones e intersecciones entre aprendizaje automático y creación artística.
Event: XXIII Festival Internacional de la Imagen. Manizales (Colombia), 9/05/2024.
Organizing Institution: UTadeo Universidad de Bogotá. Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano.

Inteligencia artificial generativa: más allá de la originalidad.
Event: XXIII Festival Internacional de la Imagen. Manizales (Colombia), 11/05/2024.
Organizing Institution: UTadeo Universidad de Bogotá. Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano.

The new freak show. Rosado, P., Galán, C., Lamot R., Moderador: Marzo, J.L.
Event: Featival Canal Connect 2024. Madrid (Spain), 25/04/2023.
Venue: Teatros del Canal

The role of new technologies in artistic creation from a critical perspective.
Event: Festival Panoràmic 2023. Barcelona (Spain), 23/11/2023.
Venue: Fundació Lluís Coromina – Espai Isern Dalma

Post-Photographic speculations on intelligent algorithms, co-creation and research
Event: Thessaloniki Photobiennale 2023. Thessaloniki (Greece), 13/07/2023
Venue: MOMus-Thessaloniki Museum of Photography

Artificial Creativity and Artistic Practice.
Event: Art and Artificial Intelligence. Bilbao (Spain), 13/07/2023.
Venue: Bank of Spain Kalea
Organizing Institution: University of the Basque Country

Artificial Creativity and Artistic Practice.
Event: Cinema, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence. Barcelona (Spain), 9/03/2023.
Organizing Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Artistas y algoritmos inteligentes desafían los límites de la fotografía.
Event: Inteligencia artificial, Arte y Diseño. Barcelona (Spain),17/06/2022.
Venue: Diseny Hub Barcelona
Organizing Institution:FAD FORUM

Post-photographic speculations on intelligent algorithms, co-creation and research.
Event: KIKK Festival. Namur, Vallonia (Belgium), 27/10/2022.
Venue: La Bourse.
Organizing Institution: KIKK Festival

Imágenes, Algortimos y Co-creación
Event: Espectros de la imagen fotográfica. Murcia (Spain), 10/02/2022.
Organizing Institution: Universidad de Murcia

Artistas y algortimos aliados en la invención de imágenes
Event: Media Week 2021. Interactivity in pandemic time. Puebla (México), 2021.
Organizing Institution: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

In relation to the exhibition MONSTRES by Joan Fontcuberta
. Meeting with Joan Fontcuberta, Carles Guerra, Pilar Rosado and Àlex Susanna.
Event: Exhibition MONSTRES. Barcelona, 17/11/2021
Organizing Institution: Fundación Vila Casas

Dejà-vu. Generative Adversarial Networks et photographie. Reencontre avec Joan Fontcuberta et Pilar Rosado. Animée par François Hebel, directeur de la fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Event: Festival Planches Contact. Deauville (FRANÇA), 29/10/2021
Organizing Institution: Les Franciscaines  Deauville

La petite mort by Pilar Rosado and Joan Fontcuberta.
Event: Festival Panoramic. Barcelona, 11/11/2020.
Organizing Institution: Centre Cultural Arts Santa  Mònica.

Revolutionary Archive: imaginando los archivos visuales del futuro.
Event: AEMA: Jornadas sobre Archivos de Media Art, 2019.
Venue: Barcelona. La Virreina, Centro de la Imagen de Barcelona.
Organizing Institution: UCAM - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

Artificial Vision Models and Semantic Image Analysis for the Study and Generation of Artworks. Pilar Rosado, Anna Ridler, Mario Klingemann, Gene Kogan, etc.
Event: I Symposium Ars Incognita: Poetics of Artificial Creativity. Córdoba (Spain), 16/03/2018.
Venue: Centro de Arte Contemporáneo C3A (Centro de Creación Contemporánea De Andalucía C3A).
Organizing Institution:School of Creative Media Hong Kong 