What is the distance between a face and a landscape? 
In addition to reflecting a captured moment in time, the digital image offers us its pixel matrix as a source of material to mold and represent a reality in constant metamorphosis. The secret of forms lies hidden in the code that, in a mysterious way, allows entities to remain distinct while simultaneously being in continuous transformation.

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In the digital image of a portrait, the pixels are precisely arranged to configure a face, but they can also be manipulated differentially according to their color and brightness. If, through a computer algorithm, we shift only the brightest pixels that form the portrait... does the image still remain a face? If we tilt it on the horizontal axis and separate the pixels... could a landscape emerge? What is the minimum distance required for a face to transform into a landscape? What is the distance between a mouth and a dune? At what exact moment is the line that separates their meanings crossed?  

The pixel matrix becomes a game board where reality leaves its trace, and we can play at recreating it. The digital image holds the patterns that construct the concepts we know and, at the same time, contains the potential for change, for transformation. The numeric image holds the secret of the latent aspects hidden within forms.